David Rodríguez-Martínez

Welcome to my personal research site. Since April 2023, I'm a postdoc at the Advanced Quantum Architecture (AQUA) Lab part of EPFL's Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering, where my group currently conducts research at the intersection of robotics, quantum imaging, and space. My main line of research revolves around the study of innovative quantum-driven autonomous navigation pipelines and robotic mobility solutions based on the use of single-photon detectors. Our goal is to enable mobile robotic systems to more efficiently, reliably, and rapidly characterize unstructured, dynamic, and visually degraded environments with minimal human intervention.
In July 2022, I founded HERMES, an international working group formed by researchers and scientists working on heterogeneous multirobot cooperation for exploration and science in extreme environments. We hosted our first workshop at ICRA 2023 in London, UK.
I'm currently also directing and teaching the Spacecraft Design (EE584) and Concurrent Engineering of Space Missions (ENG411) master's level courses at EPFL.

Active Research Lines

Selected Publications


Address EPFL AVP-CP ESC, PPH 335, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Email david (dot) rodriguez (at) epfl (dot) ch

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